Hello out there to the few friends who are still checking in on this sadly-underused blog for news of baby boy Egerton's imminent arrival!
(photo by arden, our new resident photographer)
Yesterday was Arden's first day back at school in her new primary classroom (on the "big playground"). It was a wonderful success. She LOVED school today. LOVED it. I was expecting a lot of "I don't
know"s on the ride home, but instead she was totally chatty, telling me
about friends she made, things she did in the classroom, etc. Matching
games! Pouring! Drawing! A mystery bag that had a cold key inside! She
even had rave reviews of the toilet! She was all smiles at pickup,
running to me with a hug and a big big
ole smile. I was expecting an energy-release first-day meltdown
(especially after finding out she didn't really nap...and I told them I
was pretty sure that would take a week or two to happen comfortably for
her) but instead she came home ready to play some more! (Mama, of
course, wanted to sleep, and was way relieved when Dado came home so
that someone could help Arden burn off her no-nap energy!).
favorite moment: I asked Arden "Do Rachel and Marianne seem like fun
teachers?" and she replied "YES. And...I love them. And...I like them!
And...I like their class." Well. That about sums it up!
I'm so happy. Yay. She seemed so...almost *relieved* to be back in
school. I remember that feeling, like all my cogs and wheels were
finally getting exercised again. She is my girl, no question...
Well. Now that that's all good, I think I'll go and have myself a baby. Right, baby!? Right!??!
Today is my due date--though of course, an actual date is really arbitrary in the world of birthing babies. Babies usually come when they're ready. My midwife thinks this one might have a few more days to cook in there. Arden came three days after my due date, and I wouldn't be surprised if this little guy follows a similar pattern. Basically, I think we'll get to meet him on the outside sometime in the next week...and I can't wait! I'm big, and round, and achy, and tired, and it is HOT in Texas. Hottest summer in 83 years. Over fifty 100 degree days. SO HOT. Really wears on you when you have a whole other human being inside your body.
I'll post baby's arrival here. But you can also find me (more reliably, really) by becoming my friend on facebook, you can follow me on twitter as of last week (short updates! much easier on pregnant mama with preschooler climbing on her back!), and probably the most fun way to keep up to date with us is by checking in on our flickr page (add me as a contact to see our complete collection of photos).
Send us some good birthing thoughts, and we'll let you know when the little guy is ready to make his grand entrance!